Duodenal Cancer is a rare tumor that occurs less than 1% compare to other cancers. This tumor affects the duodenum periampullary regions or the ampullary. Many of the Duodenal Cancer could be easily found at an early stage. This is because when the tumor occurs in the body then they could be easily noticed by the lymph nodes and adjacent structures.

EarlierDuodenal Cancer could be easily found out by the endoscopy without identifying the symptoms of the disease. A new type of cancer found recently that are found on the duodenal bulb. By using the gastrointestinal radiography, the cancer could be easily detected. In this article, the radiographic, clinical and pathologic detection of cancer is discussed.

Case Report of patients affected by Duodenal Cancer

An 85 year old man observed different health problems of iron-deficiency anemia, guaiacpositive stool and aporadic pain in the lower abdomen. The doctors treat the patient by using H2 receptor antagonists. The gastrointestinal radiography has found out the stalkless and a small bit of lobulated polyp at the lower part of the duodenal. This ulcer has the diameter of 1.3 cm that was distinct from pylorus. Later on doctors found a 1.5 cm polyp by doing endoscopy of the duodenal bulb. By performing endoscopic biopsy has revealed out a papillary adenocarcinoma.

During the surgery, a tiny lobulated polyp of 1.5 cm is observed in patient duodenal bulb. The treatment of the patient is done by using gastroduodenectomy . After the pathologic examination of the cut edges, the treatment has brought out the papillary adenocarcinoma that was present at the bottom of the duodenal bulb. This ulcer was detected as a mucosa, whereas the lymph nodes are not affected by this cancer.

After the treatment, the lesion was known pathologically as the Duodenal Mucosa Cancer.


Duodenal Cancer is uncommon, but yet it is responsible for small cancers from 45% to 65%. The tumors are found in duodenum due to the adenomatous polyps that was present beforehand. This cancer is generally found in periampullary regions or ampullary regions that are near to the duodenum. Sometimes, the tumors could also occur in other body parts.

The symptoms of the Duodenal Cancer are nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain or weight loss. Most of the diagnostic patients that have Duodenal Cancer suffer from poor prognosis that would reduce the survival rates by 5 year that ranges from 20%-40%. The other factors that hamper the survival rates in patients could be the presence or absence, depth of invasion, symptoms durations and distant or nodal metastases.

The advanced stage of the Duodenal Cancer is found as the ringe lesions, ulcerated or polyploidy. Earlier reports have not detected the Duodenal Cancer. These could only be found due to the radiography and by endoscopy. Other tumors could be found by the radiography referred as the polypeptide lesions. Both the type of the polyps looked smooth and rounded in shape. A common type among all these is the benign tumors. The barium studies have showed that the polyps having more than 1 cm diameter were the ulcerated or lobulated lesions.

Duodenal Cancer
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