The stomach and intestine has a part known as the duodenal bulb. This duodenal part is close to the stomach, and its size is around 5 cm long. This duodenal is a foremost part of the intestine which plays a vital role in stomach. Its function is to digest the food easily by connecting the stomach with the jejunum. The complete breakdown of the food takes place by enzymes that are present in the stomach. 

In a body, when the food enters as soon as it has been taken in mouth and chewed, the process of digestion begins. The digestion process is a complex and critical process. When the food reached the digestive system then the gastrointestinal tract or the digestive system got stretched to the esophagus from the mouth.

The process of food digestion begins when the food enters in the mouth. Different parts are responsible for the process of food digestion followed by the essential nutrients extraction and breakdown of food to release the energy, thereby discarding the toxic materials and by-products.

The duodenal bulb is present from the pylorus and last at the gall bladder neck. It has got its present in front of the pancreas, but present in the liver and gall bladder back. The duodenal bulb has got its named as this due to its shape that is round and smooth surface compare to rest of part of duodenum that has villi and several folds. The villi are basically mucosa hair like extensions that acts as a small intestine and helps in increasing the absorption of the food.

The duodenal bulb is the foremost part of the duodenum that is responsible for the food breakdown. When the food enter the body then the digestion process start from duodenum itself that also plays a role in emptying the stomach.

The duodenal bulb gets the food when the hormones are released due to the fatty stimuli and acidic that results in causing pyloric sphincter. It is a ring made of smooth muscles that are present at the bottom of the stomach. It then allows the food to enter in the duodenal bulb. During the digestion process pancreas, duodenal bulb and gall bladder are also responsible.

The duodenal bulb may have duodenal ulcer. The ulcer is due to the presence of acid. Different functions were performed in the digestive system so to prevent the acid attack on mucosa. When the alternation takes place in the functions performed in the digestive system that could be due to the extrinsic or intrinsic factors like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory use, then ulcer could be formed. The ulcer could be present in front or rare position. Their position will then results in the formation of the duodenum ulcer that requires proper medical treatment.

When the food passes to the duodenal bulb then it moves continuously to the jejunum followed by ileum and at last to the large intestine which is known as the colon. The colon performs the function of the water and salt absorption. This colon is joined with the rectum through which feces were ejected out from anus.

Duodenal Bulb
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